Download a free FIFA World Cup 2022 spreadsheet

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As you know our FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar spreadsheet is absolutely free. Before you go please consider helping us keep this site and spreadsheet available by buying us a coffee by clicking the button below. 

Our Current Version

The latest and updated current version of our FIFA World Cup 2022 Qatar spreadsheet is now available to download .  It is updated to include the outcome of the playoffs at the beginning of June.

You have three ways of downloading the spreadsheet and all are shown below.

Click to download button to get your free World Cup 2022 spreadsheet now

Download from (Recommended)

The same file is available from our sister site 

Finally, the free spreadsheet is available from as a free and safe download

Buy an unlocked version of our spreadsheet here

In addition to our free downloadable FIFA World Cup ’22 Qatar spreadsheet we also have available to buy an unprotected version for the small price of a coffee.

In this unprotected version you will be able to see how we have applied the World Cup ’22 tournament rules to determine how the group tables are calculated and displayed along with the the knock out stage progression.

Buy it at for the price of a coffee here: